Gregory Kulczycki

Gregory Kulczycki has extensive experience in research and development in both academia and industry. His interests include language design, component reasoning, and software development.
Kulczycki received his doctorate from Clemson University in 2004 and began working as a professor at Virginia Tech shortly thereafter. In 2011 he went to work for Battelle Memorial Institute as a cyber research scientist, while continuing to be involved in teaching. He is currently back in the computer science department at Virginia Tech as an associate professor of practice, where he teaches, designs courses, and develops online content for the MIT program.
The MIT courses he teaches on a regular basis include Object-Oriented Programming in Java (CS5044), Software Engineering (CS5704), Web Application Development (CS5244), and Mobile Application Development (CS5254).
Kulczycki has published various papers on formal reasoning, web services, and collaboration between academia and industry in online education.